Central Region Open Fishing Tournament
The Central Region Open Fishing Tournament will be held 9/19-27 and 10/10-18 for youth in age groups 5-10, 11-15, and 16-20.
Sea Promise Updated
As you are probably aware, BSA is committed to making sure that all of our programs and related materials are free of anything not inclusive. In Sea Scouts, one significant element that is questionable is the last line of the Sea Promise, which reads “seek to preserve...Commodore’s Corner: Summer 2020
This has certainly been an interesting and unprecedented summer for Scouting and Sea Scouting in particular. It would be surprising if you have not heard about BSA’s Churchill Plan and the proposals that would have affected Sea Scouts, but at this point, that is...2020 National Bridge of Honor
Please plan to join us on Wednesday, May 27th at 8pm central time for our first ever Virtual National Bridge of Honor!
Commodore’s Corner: 2020 National Sea Scout Leadership Awards
I am pleased to announce this year’s recipients of the National Sea Scout Leadership Award. They will be formally recognized at an online National Bridge of Honor on May 27th at 8 pm central time.
Commodore’s Corner: 2020 Flagship and Fleet
You have probably seen the announcement that Ship 198 in Del-Mar-Va Council has been named 2020 National Flagship. I have been able to obtain permission from the new National Flagship and the three National Flagship fleet ships to share their presentations with you.
Ship 198 from Lewes, Delaware in Del-Mar-Va Council Named 2020 National Flagship
Ship 198 from Lewes, Delaware in the Del-Mar-Va Council, is named as the recipient of the 2020 National Flagship Award by the Boat Owners Association of the United States (BoatUS) and Sea Scouts, BSA. In 2002, BoatUS and Sea Scout, BSA, created this award to mark the...Commodore’s Corner: Shore Leave is Over
Ok folks, shore leave is over, time to get back underway! Some ships have shut down operations and are waiting for things to return to ‘normal’ and that’s a serious mistake. None of us can see the future, but it seems likely that it is going to be a while before we can get back on the water, yet our Scouting needs to actively continue no matter how long that takes.