The Central Region has appointed Curt Ware to succeed John Paprocki as the Central Region Commodore. Curt lives in central Illinois and is an active Scouter in Prairielands Council. He will chair the Central Region Sea Scout Committee.
Curt was active in scouting as a youth and had been a scouter 15 years. He has served as Troop Committee Chair, Venturing Advisor, and Chartered Organization Representative & Committee Chair for Ship 1015 which was named to the 2018 National Flagship Fleet, all while serving as a Unit Commissioner, and Vice President for Alumni Relations in Prairelands Council. Curt also served as the Area 3 Vice Commodore for Training and most recently as the Vice Commodore for Membership for the Central Region. But if you know Curt, you know that one of his favorite roles in scouting was chairing the council pinewood derby where he combined his passion for cars and Scouting while raising money for his council’s Scoutreach program.
Recognized for his dedication to Scouting, Curt has been presented several notable awards from the BSA including the District Award of Merit, Distinguished Commissioner’s Award, Vale La Pena!, Whitney Young Jr, the Silver Beaver, and the Regional Sea Scout Leadership Award.
Curt has been married to his wife, Amy, for 23 yrs and has two sons Jon and Anthony both Eagle Scouts. Anthony just completed his Summit project last weekend and hopes to finish Quartermaster next year. Professionally, Curt has worked in the car business since 1989. He is currently the General Manager for Carmart in Champaign, IL. Curt is a graduate of Northwood University in Midland Michigan with a degree in marketing.
The Central Region services all of Iowa, Illinois, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, North Dakota, Ohio, Wisconsin, and parts of Indiana, Kentucky, Montana, Nebraska, South Dakota, Virginia, and West Virginia.