Sea Scouts BSA

This month’s eddition of the CC will answer questions about the BSA’s National Annual Meeting in May, the National Sea Scout Committee restructure, and square knots and Quartermaster insignia.

BSA’s National Annual Meeting

I heard the 2016 National Flagship was recognized at the BSA National Meeting in San Diego.  What does the recognition include?

2016_National_Flagship_presentationThe National Flagship recognition includes a trophy provided by Boat U.S., also known as the Boat Owners Association of The United States.  Boat U.S. sponsored the revival of the traditional National Flagship award in 2002 to mark the 90th anniversary of Sea Scouts, BSA.  Beginning this year, the National Director is providing a custom sewn National Flagship Flag as an additional recognition.  CC thanks National Director Keith Christopher for arranging for this special recognition of one of the best Ships in Sea Scouts, BSA.

Where can I obtain a copy of the National Sea Scout Support Committee report to the May 2016 meeting of the National Adventures Standing Committee?

You can download the report here.

National Sea Scout Committee Reorganization

What documents define the new organization of National Sea Scout Support Committee?

The National Sea Scout Committe is goverened by the National Sea Scout Support Committee Charter, which sets all operational standards of the committee. To better serve the program, in 2016 the National Sea Scout Committee restructured into six groups, Communications & Technology, Ship Growth & Retention, Membership Growth, Operations & Administration, Program Support, and Relationships. These groups oversee the day to day operation of the Sea Scout program at a National level. An organization chart of the new committee makeup can be downloaded here.

The National Committe’a goals are outlined in the National Strategic Plan, approved in 2015. The areas of emphasis for 2016 were published in April’s edition of the Commodore’s Corner.

How can I communicate with the Group leaders in the reorganized NSSSC?

You can contact the the various Action Group leaders at the following addresses:

Peter Schmidt, Communications & Technology 

Bruce Johnson, Ship Growth and Retention 

John Taylor, Membership Growth 

Hugh Riley, Operations & Administration 

Cassie Johnson, Program Support 

Katie Jacobson, Relationships 

Insignia Questions

May Sea Scout youth members wear award knots on the Sea Scout uniform? 

Yes.  Many knots are appropriate for wear by youth on the New Century Universal Uniform (NCUU) and on traditional Sea Scout dress uniforms, including:  Eagle Scout or Eagle Scout NESA Life Membership Award, Honor Medal, Medal of Merit, Hornaday Award, Religious Emblem, Venturing Silver Award, Venturing Summit Award, Venturing Leadership Award, Arrow of Light knot (but not the Arrow of Light Emblem), and the Sea Scout Leadership Award (new–see the May edition of CC).

What about wearing the Quartermaster Award Knot on the youth Sea Scout uniform?

The Quartermaster knot is not worn on a youth’s Sea Scout uniform because the Quartermaster emblem, no. 616989, recognizes this achievement.

What knot should adult Quatermaster’s wear on the NCUU?

Adults should wear the white on blue knot No. 633337, just released by BSA Supply.

May a dual-registered youth Sea Scout wear the Quartermaster emblem, No. 616989 on a Boy Scout uniform or a Venturing uniform?

No; because the left pocket on those uniforms is reserved for Boy Scout rank emblems or Venturing award emblems, respectively.  However, you may wear the Quartermaster Award Knot on a Boy Scout uniform or a Venturing uniform.  This is a recent change and clarification that will appear in the online version of the Guide to Awards and Insignia soon.

How can I submit a question to the Commodore’s Corner?

Send your question to:; or click here. We’ll answer the most frequent or urgent questions in a future edition of the Commodore’s Corner.

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