The National Sea Scout Support Committee announces the selection of Jack Otto of Houston, Texas as the 2018-2019 National Sea Scout Boatswain. His term of office will be from June 1, 2018 through May 31, 2019. He is a member of Ship 468, chartered by the St. Andrews Episcopal Church, of the Bay Area Council, Galveston, Texas.
Jack will be the youth representative for Sea Scouts across the United States of America. He will report to the National Commodore and the National Director of Sea Scouts. He will serve as the liaison to the Regional Boatswains and all other youth leaders in Sea Scouting.
Jack is an Able Scout, working on his Quartermaster. During his time as a Sea Scout, he has served as his ship’s Boatswain, and the Southern Region Area 3 Boatswain Mate. He has attended SEAL and NYLT, as well as serving on the staff of NYLT.
He has been recipient of the American Legion Award twice, is on his churches’ teen leader council and currently planning the Confirmation Retreat for his church. Away from Sea Scouting, he runs on the cross-country team and takes part in the French and Ultimate Frisbee clubs. He works to better his school, helping with fundraisers and helping with fish camp or anything they need help for.
Jack aspires to get a degree in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering and plans to apply to Webb Institute, A&M, USNA, USCGA, University of New Orleans, and University of Michigan. He wants to do the most he can for Sea Scouts and being the National Boatswain, he feels it is the best possible way for him to accomplish it.
He sees the Sea Scouting program as strong and it teaches youth more leadership and life skills than any other program. He wants to expand the outreach that this organization has. Sea Scouts has changed his life and he wants to let it change other’s lives. He also wants to eliminate that pesky question, “What is Sea Scouts?” He wants Sea Scouts to be known nationwide, by old and young. He also would like to have a greater new ship retention rate and provide them with the appropriate resources for success.
He cares way too much about Sea Scouts and has dedicated himself to making everyone he knows to be more aware of Sea Scouting and will try his best to get everyone who is eligible to join. Jack is currently in the process of creating a ship in Freeport, TX and has a prospect for another ship in Texas City, TX. The Freeport ship already has a skipper and a boat lined up, they have meetings with potential sponsors and already have potential youth.
Join us in congratulating and assisting Jack to reach his goals to grow Sea Scouting as the 2018-2019 National Sea Scout Boatswain!