Sea Scouts BSA

Please join me in welcoming Ben Feril as the 2022-2024 National Sea Scout Commodore. Ben’s term officially begins on June 1 and you can join us for the virtual change of watch on May 21 at 2100 EST.

Ben has been an amazing shipmate from his time as the Northeast Region Commodore to developing the National Service Territory Commodores today. Ben is an Eagle Scout, retired Navy Captain, and is ordained Permanent Deacon in the Catholic Church.

Ben has been an amazing shipmate from his time as the Northeast Region Commodore to developing the National Service Territory Commodores today. Ben is an Eagle Scout, retired Navy Captain, and is ordained Permanent Deacon in the Catholic Church.

Commodore Feril’s goals as National Commodore include building membership growth, retention of Sea Scout Ships, and introducing the Sea Scout program to underserved areas.

I look forward to Ben’s upcoming adventure as our next National Commodore; Sea Scouts will be in good hands.

– T.W. Cook, National Commodore 2019-2022

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