Sea Scouts BSA

Latest Posts on your Alexa!

Did you know you can get all the latest articles from the Sea Scout website on your smart speaker?!? We have built a new “skill” for the Amazon Alexa which you can enable, and which will provide you with summaries of all the latest posts in your Flash Briefing.

Our skill, “Sea Scout News,” is available for free from the Alexa Skills Store, just “Enable” the skill, and when you ask for your “Flash Briefing” you get all the latest updates from our website.

Leadership and Flagship Nomination Deadlines

The deadline to recognize a deserving Scout or Scouter with a Sea Scout Leadership Award or a Ship with the National Flagship Award is approaching. National Flagship Applications are due March 31. National and Regional Leadership Award nominations are due March 1. Area Leadership Award nominations are due April 1. You may download the application from

Summer Cruise Opportunities

The most important part of any ship’s program is the annual long cruise. If you have not begun planning for this summer’s cruise, read on to see what resources are available to you. They are The Passport to Adventure Long Cruise Guide, Provisional Cruise Opportunities, Specialty Cruise Opportunities, and Opportunities to attend Sea Base in 2020. For more information see

Sea Scout Safety Moments

We are excited to introduce the first four videos of the Sea Scout Safety Moment series. These short, peer to peer safety videos cover life jackets, fire extinguisher use, the 10 personal essentials, and the 10 boat essentials. They are appropriate for any audience, Sea Scouts, Scouts, and the boating community as a whole. Enjoy and share! The entire series, including future videos still in development, will be available at

Attention Council Commodores

This webinar is aimed at Council Commodores but contains quite a bit of material relevant to anyone working with Sea Scouts at the Council...

SSS Valor Named 2019 Southern Region Flagship

Ship 3, SSS Valor of Swansboro, North Carolina, has been named the 2019 Regional Flagship. Ship 3 is a relatively new but outstanding unit: over the past year, they have doubled their membership, had over half of their members reach Apprentice rank and shown a strong...

Ice Breaker 2019

For all scouts 14 years and older!!! Ice Breaker is the taste for scouts you’ve been missing. For only $40 you can join both youth and adults for fun-filled adventure and expand your skill set. Among the activities offered will be scuba diving in an onsite indoor...

Southern Region Seabadge Opportunities

Registration is now open for Seabadge to be held in May hosted by Great Smoky Mountain Council near Knoxville, Tennessee. The Florida Seabadge at the end of January has been full for some time. A Seabadge is in the planning stages for North Texas in the late...
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