One of the best the parts about the Sea Scouts is that it is Scout led, that is something that we want to show on the national level. We are now introducing the National Youth Quarterdeck, a national level group of experienced Sea Scout youth to help guide the Sea Scouts across the nation.
The Quarterdeck is divided into five different committees; Program Support, Communications, Membership/Growth, Outreach/Relationships, and Operations. Program Support will go into things such as spreading best practices, improving existing youth training, and helping develop model ship meeting programs. Communications will focus on promoting Sea Scouts on Social Media, drafting press releases, helping with updating and maintaining information on the Sea Scout Website, and experimenting with different techniques. Membership/Growth will analyze membership data, develop recruiting strategies, and assist in new ship creation. Outreach/Relations will work with the National Sea Scout Support Committee Liaisons, help brainstorm possible relationships for Sea Scouts, and emphasize the importance of Sea Scouts to colleges. Operations will oversee internal operations, scheduling, and keeping all the committees on track for success.
The Quarterdeck will be working in harmony with the National Sea Scout Support Committee (NSSSC) and each Quarterdeck Committee will be working with a NSSSC sub-committee. This will help bring together perspectives of both the youth and adults in Sea Scouts.
I urge everyone who wants to bring their ideas to the rest of Sea Scouts or thinks that they can help make a difference in the great Sea Scout program apply to be part of the National Youth Quarterdeck.
Please help me better Sea Scouts B.S.A and apply today for the National Youth Quarterdeck! Download application here:
Applications are due May 1st.
Jack Otto
2018-2019 National Sea Scout Boatswain