Sea Scouts BSA

With a record breaking number of attendees at Sea Scout Academy 2017 at Sea Star Base Galveston, only 17 other scouts were able to share my experiences. Track 5, aka SEAL Prep, was an amazing experience that I believe everyone should take as a precursor to SEAL.

After departing from Sea Base and arriving at the Yacht Club that would be home for the weekend, Skipper immediately split us into crews. With our already small numbers, being divided into smaller teams really allowed a quick friendship to grow. We were expected to work together to cook, clean, and act as a proper team throughout the entire learning experience. It was fascinating to learn that when one person struggles, the entire crew is right there with them. And struggle we did.

A lot is expected of a SEAL applicant and SEAL prep only gives a small peek into how that week will be. With navigation and seamanship knowledge taught and tested, one’s mental capacity is almost filled to the brim. Still, more was thrown at us. It wasn’t all just academic stuff either. In fact, like all Sea Scout events, leadership and working as a group are some of the main aspects. That was really emphasized on our day out on the water. With everyone having a job, you really had to rely on yourself and the crew to get everything done. However, if you didn’t know what to do, then Skipper always knew the answer.

Overall, SEAL Prep was a success. Although mentally challenging, I would choose to go again. I loved having the experience to learn in a different environment surrounded by Sea Scouts from other councils. During the free time, I continued to learn about my peers and had an amazing time just being out on the water. I learned, I executed, and most importantly, I had fun.

– Sara Morales, Area 3 Yeoman

P.S. – remember that SEAL applications for 2017 are due soon! Learn more here.

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