Sea Scouts BSA

Is your ship looking for a challenge that improves its overall strength? Perhaps a goal that every Sea Scout Ship can attain? Luckily, we’ve decided to put ships to the test this year with just that: the inaugural Southern Region Flagship challenge will make its debut in 2019. The criterion that will determine which ship is selected is the ship’s overall rank advancement, service hours, youth recruitment, and interaction with other ships, troops, or crews in their area. The 2019 Regional Flagship will be selected based off your unit’s 2018 performance in said categories. Below this article is the scoresheet, which the Ship Boatswain and Skipper are responsible for filling out and turning in by January 31 2019. This challenge differs from National Flagship in that it only involves the completion of a single form as opposed to the creation of a slideshow presentation.

In order to have the best shot at winning the Southern Region Flagship challenge, encourage members of your ship to earn ranks, recruit other youth, and get involved with the local community through cheerful service.

If you have any questions, please email the Southern Region Boatswain. You can download the scoresheet from the link below.


Southern Region – Regional Flagship Score Sheet for 2018-2019

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