Sea Scouts BSA

Ship 3, SSS Valor of Swansboro, North Carolina, has been named the 2019 Regional Flagship.

Ship 3 is a relatively new but outstanding unit: over the past year, they have doubled their membership, had over half of their members reach Apprentice rank and shown a strong commitment to Scouting values.

However, what made Ship 3 stand out was their strong dedication to serving the community. Ship 3 completed 1379 service hours in 2019 in response to the devastating effects of Hurricane Florence. Ship 3’s ability to muster members to work in the community in a time of need unequivocally reflects Scouting’s values. Their commitment to service and showing that “a Scout is helpful” sets a bar that all Sea Scouts need to reach.

Please take time to congratulate Ship 3 for their achievements.

Additionally, three other Ships showed excellent performance over the year and deserve recognition, and are considered the Regional Flagship Fleet:

Ship 1 SSS Unique of East Texas Area Council

Ship 626 SSS Nahar of Longhorn Council

Ship 16 SSS Confluence of Colonial Virginia Council

Congratulations to all and I hope to see more Ships apply next year!

Ryan Trefny – Southern Region Boatswain

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