Sea Scouts BSA

Purpose of the Sea Scout Leadership Award

The Sea Scout Leadership Award is presented to deserving Sea Scout youth members and Scouters who made exceptional contributions to Sea Scouting at the National, Council Service Territory (CST), and Council level and who exemplify the Scout Oath, the Scout Law, and the Sea
Scout Promise. To be eligible for the SSLA, one must:

  • Be registered and involved as a Sea Scout or Sea Scouter for at least one year.
  • Hold a leadership position or an office at the unit, district, council, council service territory, or national level.
  • Show exceptional dedication and give outstanding leadership and service to Sea Scouting and to Sea Scouts (at the level appropriate for the award).


Nomination Deadline

  • Council – Dates are set by the local council; turn forms in to the local council.
  • CST – March 29 to the National Sea Scout Program Chair
  • National – March 29 to the National Sea Scout Program Chair / National Commodore

You must email council service territory and national nomination forms to:

For nominations at the Council level, nominations should be submitted to the Council Awards Committee and NOT national.

Requirements for Nominations

The following must be included in the nomination packet:

  • A narrative that justifies the nomination, including where the nominee went “above and beyond.”
  • For National level awards, up to 3 letters of recommendations. For CST level awards, two letters of recommendations. Letters should come from different areas of the nominee’s life to give a more well-rounded view of the nominee. These could include an instructor, coach Skipper/Commodore/Boatswain, or a church/community leader.
  • A list of all of Scouting positions (specifically list all Sea Scout positions and year held). Even if the position did not have a title, serving as the chair of a large project should be listed. Please do not include a resume or copy of the nominees BSA training record.
  • A list of any involvement outside of the Scouting program (sports, community groups, etc.).
  • A list of awards received in Scouting.
  • Nominations carry more weight if a youth submits the nomination form.
  • Parents/guardians and spouses are not allowed to submit nominations for their own child or adults.
  • This is a personal award, not a group award.
  • The nominee nor any of their family members should not be made aware of the nomination.
  • The nomination form must be signed and submitted by a registered Sea Scout Youth member or registered Sea Scouter.,


Selection Committee

The selection committee will comprise past recipients of the SSLA and leadership at the national level, with youth and adult representation.

Maximum number of recipients to be selected:

The national Sea Scout Committee will establish the maximum number of awards to be granted at each level. Currently, the numbers are:

  • Each Council – No more than 2 per council total. An adult may receive an award only if a youth has been selected. At no time shall adult awards exceed youth awards’ If a council has more than 5 ships the maximum award shall be increased by 1 for each additional 5 ships or fraction thereof.
  • Council Service Territories provide a means of recognizing those that have served exceptionally above the council level in the various geographical territories of the BSA. The selection committee will attempt to maintain geographical diversity in reviewing applications but will group all CST level SSLAs together for a maximum of 30 Awards. Again, Youth will be in the majority of any awards made.
  • National – National – No more than 3 youth will be recognized. No more than 3 adults will be recognized.

The setting of maximum numbers of awards in no way contemplates that maximums must or will be awarded. Exceptional service as demonstrated by the application and recommendations and further research by the selection committee will determine the number up to the above limit.

Selection Committee Report

For Council level Sea Scout Leadership Award nomination, once a selection committee selects the award recipients, the Council or Council Commodore must submit the signed Sea Scout Leadership Award Nomination form to Susan Fitzhugh, Program Administrator at BSA National Headquarters at Susan will then produce the appropriate award certificate and mail it to the local council for presentation. Councils will be required to obtain the recognition items.


  • Council Sea Scout Leadership Awards
    • Medallion suspended from blue and white ribbon, No. 636183
    • Certificate, Awarded by the Office of the Sea Scout Director
    • Knot, No. 14220 with a miniature Sea Scout device, No. 931
    • PAS Code, 855(Youth) 856(Adult)
  • National Service Territory Sea Scout Leadership Awards
    • Medallion suspended from green and white ribbon, No. 636185
    • Certificate, Awarded by the Office of the Sea Scout Director
    • Knot, No. 14220 with a miniature Sea Scout device, No. 931
    • PAS Code, 859(Youth) 863(Adult)
  • National Sea Scout Leadership Awards
    • Medallion suspended from red and white ribbon, No. 636186
    • Certificate, Awarded by the Office of the Sea Scout Director
    • Knot, No. 14220 with a miniature Sea Scout device, No. 931
    • PAS Code, 862(Youth) 864(Adult)

Awards should be presented at an appropriate event for the level such as a Council Awards Banquet, a CST Bridge of Honor, or the Boy Scouts of America National Annual Meeting.

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