Resources for Leaders
Five myths about Sea Scouting
You’ll find Sea Scouts all over this great land — even in places many miles from the actual sea.
The belief that Sea Scouts must live near the coast is just one of the myths out there about Sea Scouting.
Fast Start Training
Before doing anything else, take the online Fast Start Training and consider taking Sea scout Adult Leader Basic Training. Both of these programs were designed to introduce new leaders to the Sea Scout program.
New Ship Organization Guide
This guide will walk you through the 10 steps to organize a ship, plans for the first ship meetings, and a 24 month program plan.
Charter Paperwork
New Unit Application– This is the application to start a BSA unit such as a Sea Scout ship.
Charter Agreement– This is the agreement your charter organization will need to sign to indicate their agreement to sponsor your ship.
Adult Application– This is the application your adult leaders will need to fill out.
Youth Applications– This is the application your youth will need to fill out.
These forms are also available at
New Ship Mentor Program
A nationwide network of Sea Scout Volunteers is available to help you start a unit create a successful program.
These mentors are available for each state. There are also mentors for specific specialties such as SCUBA Diving or paddlesports.
To get paired with a mentor, contact
Best Practice Library
A collection of best practices from Sea Scouts around the country.
New Leader Resources
The one stop shop for all new ship leaders. Here, you will find all the resources needed to jump start your journey as a volunteer.
Marketing Materials
Examples of some marketing resourses for launching your ship.
Starter Files
An executable program for the first 3 months of operations.
A Focus on Program
Program is what makes Sea Scouting exciting. A focal point of the Sea Scout program is the annual Long Cruise. Long Cruse’s are what Sea Scouts will look back on and remember, they are also a vital part advancement. Planning for your first Long Cruise should begin soon. The Passport to Adventure Long Cruise Guide will walk you through how to plan a cruise. If you do not have a boat the Summer Cruise Map will help you locate a vessel to do your long cruise on. If you have a paddling ship, the Paddlesports Program page has information about paddle cruises.
More at the Program Toolbox
To get started, we recommend that new ships start by uniforming everyone in a Ship tee shirt. The next step is outfit your ship in the Official Sea Scout Uniform, a combined activity and dress uniform that is widely available.
For Community Organizations
For Councils and Commissioners
The Sea Scout Program and the Role of the Commissioner
Commissioner College /University of Scouting Training (CED 712)
Sea Scouts for Scoutmasters (video version)
Building a Council Sea Scout Program
Best Practices for Sea Scout Council Commodores
Sea Scout Mythbusters Dispel common misconceptions about the program