The Quartermaster candidate must think analytically about how the program is delivered and supported, while developing a deeper understanding of Scouting ideals. Most requirements represent intensification of what was learned for previous ranks, but with significant additions in the Quartermaster service project, study of weather and forecasting, and completion of additional electives.
1. Ideals
a. Initiate a discussion on the ideals stated in the Sea Promise.
b. Prepare a written analysis, offering recommendations for improvements regarding one of the following ship’s programs: bylaws and code, training programs, ceremonies, quarterdeck meetings, recruiting programs, or fundraising.
2. Active Membership
a. Meet your ship’s bylaws requirement for active participation in your ship’s meetings and activities for six months.
b. Present a talk or program at least 15 minutes long on Sea Scouts to a service club, religious organization, PTA, or other adult organization.
3. Leadership
a. Quartermaster Project: While an Able Sea Scout, plan, develop, and demonstrate leadership to others in a service project that is helpful to any religious institution, school, or your community. The project plan must be approved by your Skipper and ship committee and approved by the council or district advancement committee before you start. This service project should involve your ship and at least one other group. You must use the Quartermaster Leadership Service Project Workbook, No. 420-011, to document your work. Note: The Quartermaster project is separate and distinct from a youth’s Eagle Scout service project.
b. Serve as a ship officer for at least six months.
c. Organize and help conduct the Scouting America’s Introduction to Leadership Skills for Ships (ILSS) for your ship or serve as staff on an NYLT course, NYLT Leadership Academy, NAYLE, Wood Badge course, or Seabadge course.
4. Swimming
a. Complete the requirements for lifeguard through the American Red Cross, or other approved organization’s lifeguard course.
5, Safety
a. Know the heavy-weather precautions taken aboard power, sailing, and paddle vessels when dangerous weather approaches, and demonstrate these precautions aboard the vessel used by your ship.
b. Know the special precautions that should be taken when limited visibility is encountered.
c. Teach Apprentice 5a and Ordinary 5a, 5b, and 5c requirements to a crew.
6. Marlinspike Seamanship
a. Teach the Apprentice, Ordinary, and Able marlinspike seamanship requirements to a crew.
b. Make an eye splice in double-braided line.
7. Boat Handling
a. Take charge of the craft used by your ship and give all commands to the crew for picking up a mooring buoy and properly mooring the vessel in several wind and current situations.
Take charge of three or more single occupant vessels and give all the commands necessary to move the group successfully to the opposite shore, across a river in moving water, or lake in windy conditions, without drifting downstream or down lake.
b. Demonstrate and teach the principles of springing into and out from a dock, from both bow and stern, using an engine depending on the type of vessel used by your ship.
Demonstrate and teach the proper way to enter moving water with a canoe, kayak, paddleboard or raft, facing both upstream and downstream, while in an eddy and from shore.
c. Teach Ordinary and Able boat handling requirements to a crew.
8. Ground Tackle
a. Teach the Ordinary and Able anchoring requirements to a crew.
b. Know the methods of bringing a vessel to anchor and a mooring with special emphasis on wind and current.
c. Take charge of a vessel used by your ship and give all commands to the crew for setting and weighing anchor in several wind and current situations.
9. Navigation Rules
a. Teach the Ordinary navigation rules requirements and Able 9b and 9c to a crew.
10. Piloting and Navigation
a. Teach the Ordinary and Able piloting requirements to a crew.
b. Know the methods of fixing a boat’s position in limited visibility.
c. Create a route in an electronic navigation device that includes at least five waypoints. Use the electronic navigation device to navigate your route.
Use an electronic navigation device (e.g., GPS) to determine coordinates and routes for at least five emergency exit routes for inland waterways. Identify the beginning of each route during a boating trip.
11. Weather
a. Teach the Ordinary and Able weather requirements to a crew.
b. Demonstrate your knowledge of the weather signs for your local area, including cloud types. Prepare a 48-hour forecast and compare your forecast with the actual weather that occurred.
12. Environment
a. Discuss the three types of marine sanitation devices and the laws governing sewage discharge.
b. Explain what gray water is and how it should be handled in your boating area.
c. Write a 500-word report on an aquatic environment (freshwater, coastal, estuary, or sanctuary). Include in the report the location, habitat, history, animals and plants that inhabit the area, its importance to man, current regulations, and what boaters can do to help preserve it for future generations.
Write a 500-word report on one of the United States of America’s most endangered rivers (as identified by the list provided by the American Rivers organization) highlighting the threats and potential solutions. Discuss the impact, both positive and negative, of doing or not doing each potential solution.
13. Electives
a. Choose any four level 3 or higher electives from the options listed here: Advancment Electives
Effective August 2024 [Page Last Updated 5 October 2024]