Sea Scouts BSA

aca-logoThe leaders of American Canoe Association (ACA) and the Sea Scouts, BSA recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding that establishes ongoing support for paddling in Sea Scout units (“Ships”).

Christopher Stec, Chief Operating Officer of the ACA, noted that “the ACA and Sea Scouts will work cooperatively with each other, within the policies, procedures, safety guidelines and regulations of each organization, to establish and nurture Sea Scout Ships so that young adults may grow in character, physical and mental health, citizenship responsibility and with personal growth necessary to achieve their greatest potential.”

Over the next few months we will be sharing information about the new opportunities that paddling brings to Sea Scouts across the country.

You can download the MOU here, and read more about the ACA-Sea Scouts partnership. If you would like help with organizing a paddling Sea Scout Ship, or help with incorporating paddling into an already existing Ship, please contact Robin Pope at .

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