The Sea Scout Leadership Award is presented by councils, areas, regions, and the Scouting America National Council to Sea Scouts and Sea Scouters who have made exceptional contributions to Sea Scouting and who exemplify the Scout Oath and Scout Law. We are proud to present our 2020 National Sea Scout Leadership Award recipients.
Aven Alexander has served as National Boatswain for the 2020 to 2021 term. She has led the national quarterdeck and the sea scouts through Covid and the Churchill Plan and the imminent reorganization. She has proved to be an excellent leader.
Harvey Morrissey served as the National Yeoman for the 2020 to 2021 term. He has markedly increased the presence of Sea Scouts on Social Media, been a major contributor and co-host of the National Podcasts and is the current chairman of the upcoming National Sea Scout Academy.
Jayce Letson served as the Western Region Boatswain for the 2020 to 2021 term. He has shown innovative ways to produce and host the National Scuttlebutt programs as well as instituting a Western Region Fleet award. He has been an enthusiastic leader for Sea Scouts with a paddle craft focus.
Isabella Fadullon is an accomplished sailor and the immediate past boatswain of ship 1959. She has been active as a co=host of the National Podcasts. Izzy will continue to make Sea Scouts proud as she enters the Naval Academy this summer. Izzy, thank you for your boatswain pipe skills!.
Ron Blaisdell is a life-long Scout from Cub Scouts to Eagle to 45 years as an adult volunteer. Mr. Blaisdell has been recognized and honored in all realms of Scouting. We know his favorite is Sea Scouts. He has been instrumental behind the scenes in many ways not least of which is keeping seascout.org and our social media forums going forward.
Ben Feril is also a life-long Scout from Cub Scouts to Eagle. He has been the Northeast Region Commodore since 2018. He has been actively engaged in the evolution of Seabadge including serving as Course Director of the first ever AUXSCOUT specific version. Mr. Feril has also been key to developing our Sea Scout strategy as to how we approach the territory transition.
Edward Campbell served as the 2015 to 16 National Boatswain. He achieved the highest ranks and high positions in all branches of Scouts including Eagle Scout, Venturer Silver, Ranger, OA Lodge Chief, and, of course, Sea Scout Quartermaster. He has been a large part of the SEAL Training Course and helped develop and launch the first ever paddlecraft SEAL.
Stephen Stevens has served as the Southern Region Vice Commodore for Membership and Growth and has been on the National Sea Scout Support Committee with an emphasis on Membership Data Analysis. He has built a real-time information gathering and analysis system for tracking our ships in the field that is so good that other programs are starting to adopt it.
These awards were presented at our National Change of Watch and Bridge of Honor, which was held on May 14, 2021. If you missed that event, you can catch up by watching the video.