Resources for Recruiting New Sea Scouts

It is that time of year where councils around the nation are preparing for their fall recruitment campaign, often referred to as School Night for Scouting. While we should always be recruiting both youth and adult all year long, we should not overlook our councils marketing efforts and ensure Sea Scouts are included in those efforts.
Our National Sea Scout Chair, Ben Feril, has a stated goal for 5,000 registered Sea Scouts nation-wide by the end of the year. While this may seem like an abstract number, it is easily attainable by each ship adding three new youth members and each council adding one new ship.
How do we get there?
While we recognize that council efforts are often focused on Cub Scouts and Scouts BSA, Sea Scout visibility should be part of those efforts. I would encourage you to insert references to Sea Scouts into any marketing material your council is producing, and, yes, participate actively and visibly as part of any events scheduled, especially for Cub Scouts and Scouts BSA to show the continuity of Scouting and the expanding promise of Scouting as youth age.
In addition to above, also strive to:
- Hold Open Houses
- Talk up Sea Scouts at your District Roundtable
- Ensure Sea Scouts is mentioned in your council newsletter
- Connect with a Troop
- Offer Sea Scout specific training to adults
Here are some videos that you can use for your own efforts and share with your council leadership to augment theirs.
We also refer you to the Sea Scout Marketing Toolbox located on
Finally, I leave you with this thought: Sea Scouts is 111 years old this year. We are the original high-adventure program born from Scouts in 1912 following the Scout Oath and Law. To sail the sea is to have freedom, adventure and self-discovery.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Peter Sargent, National Sea Scout Resource Advisor