Dear Shipmates,
Sea Scout Ships across the country are getting back on the water. Join us on August 5, 2021 at 600 pm PDT for a roundtable discussion on how to promote vessel safety by getting a BSA-required Vessel Safety Check, either from the USCG Auxiliary or United States Power Squadron (now America’s Boating Club), insurance requirements for vessels used for Sea Scout activities, and regulate the carriage of passengers for hire.
About the Presenters

Our speakers include Past National Commodore Charles Wurster, who retired from the Coast Guard as a three-star admiral, and National Sea Scout Committee Member Bruce Johnson, who has conducted over 4,000 Coast Guard Auxiliary Vessel Safety Checks.
Zoom Registration
Please register here for the Sea Scout Vessel Safety Roundtable.
Joshua Gilliland
Chair, Marketing Sub-Committee, National Sea Scout Support Committee