At the closing meeting
This past week, I attended a Regional Meeting for the first time. It was as incredible opportunity to be introduced to the Southern Region Board and connect faces to names. Not only did I feel welcomed the moment I registered, but I was asked to start and end the meeting. Thanks to Mr. Yarboro, the Regional President, I was tasked to do the Pledge of Allegiance in the Opening Session and the Sea Base Grace for the closing luncheon.

With Regional OA Chief and Venturing President
The meeting throughout the two days were informative as well. I was able to give a Sea Scout report in the Adventure Program meeting, which was a huge success. A main focus the Sea Scouts as a region have been working on is membership. Our goal is to have forty new ships by the end of year 2018. I believe we can do it, with the right support and commitment to the vision we contain.
An opportunity I took after my meetings were adjourned Thursday night, was to attend a local Sea Scout meeting. Ship 851, home of my Boatswain Mate, James MaGuirk, invited me to sit in their meeting and interact with them. This ship was diverse, courteous, and kind to such visitors like Commodore Cook, Skipper Peter Cushman, and myself. A unique thing I encountered there meeting’s agenda. Instead of having copies printed out, the ship politely sat down in the designated area and waiting for their Quarterdeck to start. Then, once the meeting did begin, James and Nathaniel the Boatswain of the ship prepared a effective meeting. They incorporated knot teaching time and the “Challenge of the Week”, which included scenarios that needed assistance.
These past two days have definitely impacted my life as a leader and individual. I was able to experience a Board Meeting outside of my home state, and interact with fellow scouts. In fact to top off the meeting, I was introduced the Boy Scout of the Year in his council, Great Smoky Mountain. If you have not heard his story yet, it is incredibly inspiring! And, you can make a difference too, please continue submitting applications for Regional and Area Boatswain. The team is excited to start reviewing applications, and setting up interview times!
— Savannah Cushman, Southern Region Boatswain