Congratulation to SSS Captain Awesome Ship 1015!
Ship 1015 (SSS Captain Awesome) of Prairielands Council (Champaign, IL) was selected to be part of the 2018 National Flagship Fleet! Here is part of the announcement send by National Council: Because of your submission and the great program offered, we would like to...Area 3 Sea Scout Rendezvous
We are 30 days out before the Area 3 Rendezvous. This is a Scouting event hosted by the Sea Scouts but available to all 14 and older boy or girl. For Venturing youth this is a tier 3 activity. We will have lots of boating, shooting sports and more. Starts Friday night...2019 World Scout Jamboree
Remember, Sea Scouts can attend the upcoming World Jamboree! The LAST day to register for the US World Scout Jamboree Contingent at the early bird rate is 1/31/18! Apply at – it’s a chance to meet Scouts from all around the world. There are also...SNOWSTORM 2018
SNOWSTORM is a competition for Senior Girl Scouts, Mariners, Explorers, Ventures, Sea Scouts, and Boy Scouts ages 13-20. All participants must be registered members of BSA or GSUSA. This is a one-day indoor and outdoor event with a chance to have fun and fellowship...Winter Amidships (WAM) 2018
Bay-Lakes Council, Scouting America and the alumni of the Fond du Lac Scouts are proud to invite you to the 44th Winter Amidships (WAM)! This co-ed Scouting event will be held on February 24th, 2018, at the National Guard Armory, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. WAM is a 1-day...Central Region Koch Cup Qualifiers
The following teams from the Central Region have qualified for the 2018 Koch Cup, to be held in Galveston, Texas July 8-13.
BSA Chief answers Scouters’ questions about welcoming girls into Scouting
On November 21st, Bryan Wendell, the primary author of the “Bryan on Scouting” blog published the following: “On Oct. 30, I asked Scouters to submit their questions to BSA Chief Scout Executive Mike Surbaugh. By the time we recorded the video last...From the Central Region Commodore – November, 2017
Greetings fellow Sea Scouters, The snow has started to fly, Deer hunting seasons begun and many of you have winterized your boats. Time for our indoor programs to begin. First off, Happy Thanksgiving, and hope you all have a blessed holiday season during the rest of...VenturingFest 2018
Next summer, from July 1-6, the Summit Bechtel Reserve will be hosting Venturing’s 20th Birthday Bash- VenturingFest 2018!