Bravo Zulu to Area 6 Vice Commodore for Service Bill Reisa! Bill has been assigned as the Branch Chief, Youth Partners, Recreational Boating Safety Outreach Liaison Division for the Coast Guard Auxiliary. As such, he will be our National liaison between Sea Scouting and the Coast Guard Auxiliary. In assuming his new responsibilities, he will also be made a member of the National Sea Scout Service Committee.
Come one, come all, on Saturday September 17th 2016, to a special Scouting Sailing Regatta hosted by the Edison Boat Club , The Detroit Yacht Club, and the Detroit Boat Club.
Forty teams from ten countries including Australia, Brazil, Finland, Germany, Ireland, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, South Africa, and the United States competed for the 2016 Koch Cup in Long Beach California. Here are the results.
Interested in attending Sea Badge Underway this summer?
The annual Lake Erie Sea Base will be held July 17-23, registration has been extended until May 31st. Download the registration form for more information.
An update for all Sea Scouters in Area 6, effective April 30th, Don Shields has resigned as the Area 6 Commodore. We thank Don for his many years of service to Sea scouts and the Area. John Paprocki and Bill Hamilton interviewed and reviewed 3 candidates to replace Don as Area 6 Commodore. We are pleased to announce that David Campbell was put forth and approved as the New Area 6 Commodore.
I’m back for the month of April with some updates. Recently, we had our regional meeting to discuss upcoming events and new programs. Personally, I had fun during the meeting, and I hope to see other youth representation at our next meeting – I am challenging all the Area Boatswains to join me at our next face-to-face meeting this fall. Don’t forget the Central Region Rendezvous May 20-22nd on Lake Springfield.
Ahoy, Sea Scouts! I am back to discuss uniforms – something that I am sure we’ve all had some confusion over.
The area covers Western Missouri, Western Iowa, Nebraska and Kansas.
Responsibilities include being the lead contact for Sea Scout Ships in the Area and developing a team to assist the Ships’ efforts to deliver the quality Sea Scout program to our youth.