Ahoy Scouters!
I am back to discuss uniforms — something that I am sure we’ve all had some confusion over. Most of the questions pertain to what is and is not allowed. A problem that I personally have encountered is what awards can be worn on my uniform. On the Sea Scout Uniform, ranks attained in Sea Scouts are allowed on the left pocket. Square knots may be worn over the left pocket, limited to six in two rows of three. The knots that may be worn by a youth member are:
Eagle Scout Award, Honor Medal, James E. West Fellowship Award, Medal of Merit, Order of the Arrow Distinguished Service Award, Quartermaster Award, Religious emblem square knot, Venturing Leadership Award, Venturing Silver/Summit Award, William T. Hornaday Award
Wood Badge beads may be worn with the Sea Scout adult leader uniform. A national jamboree insignia may be worn on the Sea Scout uniform; above the right pocket. Female Sea Scouts may wear the Gold Award earned in Girl Scouts; on the left pocket flap. An Order of the Arrow Lodge Flap may be worn on the right pocket flap of the New Century Universal Uniform (NCUU) only.
All this information is available in the BSA Guide to Awards and Insignia, in the Sea Scout Insignia section, and the Scouting Honors and Special Recognition section, together with the new regulations regarding the NCUU in the New Century Universal Uniform Fact Sheet.
Feel free to contact your Area Boatswain and Area Commodore if you have additional questions on proper uniforming.
Fair winds, sunny skies!
Yours in Sea Scouting Scouting,
Rachael Washburn
CR Boatswain