It is my privilege to announce that the National Quarterdeck has selected Aven Alexander as the National Sea Scout Boatswain for the 2020-2021 term starting on June 1, 2020. Aven is a Quartermaster Sea Scout with Ship 1, SSS Unique (2018 National Flagship), in East Texas Area Council and is presently serving as Southern Region Area 2 Boatswain. She is a Junior at Palestine High School, is active in her school in varsity tennis, in the National Honor Society, as a class representative in the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, and as the director of an ongoing project to provide emotional and material support to children removed from their families by Child Protective Services. She is also a youth leader in her church, has staffed Vida Nuevas Tres Dias for the past two years, and has earned the religious emblem for her faith.
Aven has been announced as a recipient of the Congressional Award for Youth Gold Medal, which will be presented in June at the Capitol in Washington DC. Aven also has been awarded the U.S. President’s Volunteer Service Award Gold Medal.
As a Sea Scout, Aven has earned the Long Cruise, Small Boat Handler, Qualified Seaman, and Sea Scout Advanced Shooter Awards. She is a 2019 SEAL graduate, having completed SEAL in Seattle with Skipper Makin and is a recipient of the Area Sea Scout Leadership Award. She is a Star Scout in Scouts BSA Troop 101G and is on track to be a member of the first class of female Eagle Scouts. She is a Brotherhood member of the Order of the Arrow, serving as Lodge Secretary and member of the Section Conclave 2020 planning team.
Aven attended the week long Aquatic School in Longhorn Council in 2018 where she was certified as a lifeguard and aquatics instructor. Of the 82 participants from Scouts, Venturing, and Sea Scouts, Aven was among the 20 graduates recognized for excellence with the Anchorman Award. She returned to Aquatic School in 2019 as staff assigned as a swimming merit badge instructor, and will be returning again this summer as a senior instructor. She uses the skills learned in Scouting as a lifeguard and swimming instructor at the YMCA.
Aven is a very vocal advocate of Sea Scouting. She has made speeches and presentations at her high school, to veteran’s organizations, the Rotary and Lions clubs, to the Child Welfare Board, to public assemblies on the courthouse lawn, has been interviewed twice by two different radio stations, and has been interviewed several times by the newspaper. Aven has the poise, personality, and passion that make her an outstanding representative of Sea Scouting and BSA, which will serve her well in her role as National Boatswain.
The official change of watch ceremony will take place at the BSA’s National Annual Meeting in May in Washington DC.