Many of you have been anxiously awaiting the nationwide rollout of the AUXSCOUT program – the Coast Guard’s name for our partnership with the Coast Guard Auxiliary – and that moment has finally arrived! As of November 1st, 2019, AUXSCOUT is open for business across all Coast Guard Auxiliary districts.

If you haven’t been keeping up, this program represents a significant deepening of our long-standing relationship with the Coast Guard Auxiliary. Here are a few of the key features:
- Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotillas (and Divisions) are now able to charter Sea Scout ships and are encouraged to do so;
- Youth Sea Scouts are the only people under 17 allowed to join the Coast Guard Auxiliary;
- Sea Scouting is designated as the Official Youth Program of the Coast Guard Auxiliary.
You can learn more by visiting but the most efficient way to learn about the program and about how you as a Sea Scout leader can get started is to view this recorded webinar:
The webinar is just under an hour long and it will get you off to a great start and will help you avoid any pitfalls in developing a relationship with your local Auxiliary flotilla. Once you’ve viewed the webinar, consider joining the Facebook discussion group – that’s going to be your best bet for getting a fast response to any questions you may have.

I’d like to thank all those who have worked tirelessly for the past year to make this possible – especially Bruce Johnson, whose unique role in both the Sea Scouts and the Auxiliary has helped us overcome many obstacles along the way. I’d also like to thank Coast Guard Auxiliary National Commodore Larry King, whose leadership and unwavering support of this program has been essential. Commodore King and I both believe that this relationship is going to be game-changing for the Auxiliary and for Sea Scouts, and I’m excited to see it roll out now!
T.W. Cook – National Commodore