Sea Scouts BSA

Reflecting on the past 10 years as your National Commodore, it is clear that we can all be proud of program accomplishments at every level.  

The National Sea Scout Support Committee has enhanced the program through a number of initiatives.  Here are just a few highlights:  Establishment of Sea Scouts as a “full up” program in BSA; alignment with BSA national standards, plans, and governance; modernization of the Sea Scout Manual; creation of an outstanding website and social media presence; establishment of The Official Sea Scout Uniform; incorporation of paddlesports; celebration of the Sea Scout centennial; revamping of the adult training system; hosting the biennial Koch Cup international sailing regatta; conducting safety-at-sea programs; and forging stronger partnerships with safe boating organizations–for example the Coast Guard Auxiliary’s use of Sea Scouts as their official youth development program.

Perhaps most importantly, Sea Scouts is a youth-led program; and our youth members have stepped up to expand their role at all levels.  Among other accomplishments during his term, Jack Otto, outgoing National Boatswain, established a National Youth Quarterdeck to provide a forum for increased youth leadership participation.  Incoming National Boatswain, Hannah Carter, has already expanded that vision and assembled the 2019/2020 Quarterdeck team with an eye to the future and bright new ideas. 

Through these examples and many, many more of your accomplishments throughout the program, we stand upon a strong foundation for program growth.  With the recent roll-out of new branding standards and an enhanced marketing program, Sea Scouts is ready for the future. We all want to share Scouting’s best program with as many youth as possible–so they can experience the fun of a safe, high adventure, maritime program securely anchored in the Scout Oath, the Scout Law, and the Sea Promise. 

I am thrilled that the next national Commodore, TW Cook, will be assuming the watch.  He is an impressive Scouter, boater, and leader.  His accomplishments are wide ranging and he has already established the key goals for his two-year tenure as National Commodore:  establishing new units, growing existing units, and retaining all units.  With TW Cook, Hannah Carter, and Janice Downey heading up the national Sea Scout leadership team, I am confident the program is in good hands; and they will be successful. 

Thanks to each and every reader, Sea Scout, and Sea Scouter for your dedication and everything you do to make Sea Scouts so great.  Well done!

Fair winds,

Charlie Wurster

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