Sea Scouts BSA

Before ringing 16 Bells to welcome 2021, we want to celebrate all of the successes in 2020 with a Year in Review video.* Sea Scout Ships across the country found innovative ways to continue meaningful activities, despite the Covid-19 pandemic. If you have photos to share of Zoom meetings, socially distanced activities, or Scouting at Home, please share them on the following form.

*In maritime tradition for ship at sea on New Years Eve, the oldest person on the ship strikes 8 bells at midnight on December 31, followed by the youngest person on the ship striking 8 bells to welcome in the New Year. The first log entry of the New Year is in verse.  Captain Frank Lanier, Jack Tar and the Baboon Watch, A Guide to Curious Nautical Knowledge for Landlubbers and Sea Lawyers Alike, page 101, International Marine/McGraw-Hill Education (2015).

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