Sea Scouts BSA

Capitol Area Council Ship 911, SSS Response, at the awards ceremony

Seldom do I see Sea Scouts performing in the company of Boy Scouts. However, a few Sea Scouts from Capitol Area Council were recognized for outstanding leadership – in front of over 200 Scouters from Troops, Venturing Crews, and Explorers. At the Capitol Area Council Leadership reception held at the local Scouting center, two Sea Scouts and one adult were awarded the Council’s Sea Scout Leadership Award – Heidi Schuttger (Ship 681), Jack Walker (Ship 911), and Linda Callaway (Ship 911). I had the privilege to serve as their escort in the ceremony, as well as to present them to the audience. Additionally, Sea Scouts from around the council came to celebrate their excellence. Furthermore, all of the council leaders and experienced Scouters got to see Sea Scouts in action, and I’m sure they now know the potential leadership enriching opportunities of Sea Scouting.

By Ryan Trefny, SR A3 Boatswain

Note from your Regional Commodore – we would love to feature your council’s Sea Scout Leadership Award recipients here – just send me a photograph and a brief story to go with it.  You can use the “Southern Region Contact” form on or just send via email to twcook at

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