Sea Scouts BSA

Commodore’s Corner: Charlie Wurster

Congratulations to our immediate past National Commodore! Distinguished Eagle Scout, VADM Charlie Wurster (USCG, retired), has been named as one of the 2020 Silver Buffalo award recipients. He and his family will be honored at the 2020 National Annual Meeting of...

2019 Class of Quartermasters

Thirty-Five new Quartermasters joined the ranks during 2019. Slightly higher than the average number of QMs over the last twelve years. Let’s greet the class of 2019. Aven A. East Texas Area Council TXMadison A. Sam Houston Area Council TXChristopher A....

SLEET Registration Open

The 2020 Sea Scout Leadership, Entertainment Experience and Training (SLEET) is now open for registration. Costs are $60 for the full program, $45 for day program on Saturday. Visit for the registration.

Commodore’s Corner: Five Opportunities

Hi everyone, it’s that time of year when applications for all sorts of things are due. Please make sure all your Scouts are aware of these! Apply for National, Regional or Area Boatswain! National, Regional and Area Boatswain applications are due shortly. National...

Winter Amidships (WAM) 2020

Bay-Lakes Council, Scouting America and the alumni of the Fond du Lac Scouts are proud to invite you to the 46th Winter Amidships (WAM)! WAM is a 1-day event for Scouts BSA Troops, Venture Crews, Sea Scout Ships, Career Explorer Posts, Girl Scout/Mariner Troops, and...

SLEET 2020 – Call for Instructors

Beautiful Camp Fairlee on the Chesapeake Bay. SLEET 2020 (the artist formerly known as Catoctin, or Winter Training) has moved to Camp Fairlee. New cabins, new dining hall. But one thing has NOT changed – we need instructors? This is a volunteer-run program. So...

Our nationwide Coast Guard Auxiliary partnership is here!

Many of you have been anxiously awaiting the nationwide rollout of the AUXSCOUT program – the Coast Guard’s name for our partnership with the Coast Guard Auxiliary – and that moment has finally arrived! As of November 1st, 2019, AUXSCOUT is open for...

Chesapeake Cup Finalists Headed to Koch Cup

Twenty Scouts from across the Northeast Region met at Tall Timbers, Maryland for a weekend of training, competition and fun. Sea Scout Ships 198 and 1942 shared the finalist spots with one team each submitted to receive an invitation to the Koch Cup, and two...

Commodore’s Corner: October 2019

Hi all – there’s a lot going on and I’m overdue getting a Commodore’s Corner out, so here we go… National Sea Scout Director Owen McCulloch – photo by Richard Lipham In case you missed the earlier announcement, the biggest news is that we have a new...

Introduction to AuxScout

Introduction to AUXSCOUT – What is it? How do we implement it? – Introduction for Sea Scout Commodores & Adult Leaders. The Coast Guard Auxiliary has adopted the Sea Scout program as its official youth program. The Auxiliary calls the Auxiliary – Sea Scout...
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