Now that Sea Scouting is a stand-alone program in the BSA, it’s time we design a new Central Region shoulder patch!
Our last patch was done for the Sea Scout centennial in 2012 – but now, we are opening up a contest for all Sea Scouts and Sea Scouters!
The beginning of 2016 has been exciting and busy! The Region and I have been working hard to make information and resources available to you. A few weeks ago, we sent out a notice that we needed area and regional youth staff: as of today, I believe that still holds true. I know many of you have reservations in regards to joining a youth corps because either you’re worried about commitments or you’re worried that you don’t have enough experience. Personally, stepping into this job from a unit- I didn’t know what I would be doing or how I was going to accomplish anything with my busy schedule. I can assure you: the adult staff works with you to achieve your goals and manage your time. If you are at all interested, please apply! We still require Area Boatswains, Regional Boatswains Mates, and a Regional Yeoman.