Sea Scouts BSA

Pensacola Sea Scouts

Check out this nice news article from the Pensacola News Journal about Ship 609. You can learn more about Ship 609 here.

Why Drill and Ceremony is Still Important for Sea Scouts

“Helmsman, 10 degrees right rudder, make our course 87 degrees magnetic, get us out of this channel.” “Why, that’s a dumb course to make I’m not going to do that.” These are the kind of exchanges you don’t want to have and the kind of the responses you don’t want to...

The Pierson Cup Regatta 2017

The “The Pierson Cup Regatta” is a co-ed competition between B.S.A. registered Sea Scouts from any Central Region Sea Scout Ship, with Scouts racing to earn an invitation to the “William I. Koch International Sea Scout Cup” to be held in 2018. This 2017 racing event will begin and conclude on Saturday, October 7th, 2017. There will be a limited practice session available prior to the race.

Fall 2017 National Sea Scout Log

The Fall 2017 National Sea Scout Log is now available. This issue includes: Put your Ship on the Map with BeAScout The National Sea Scout Support Committee Looks to the Future of Sea Scouts The Importance of Leadership to the Sea Scout Program National...

Back to School Recruiting

As we mentioned a couple of weeks ago, it’s time for back to school recruiting. Here’s a great presentation by Western Region Commodore Josh Gilliland on how to organize a ship open house.  There’s more in this article...

Long Cruise Badge

Please check out this great article about the Long Cruise badge from our Western Region shipmates. The long cruise badge is an under appreciated but very important aspect of Sea Scout advancement, and it is one of the few such things that can be earned by adults as...

Update your Unit’s BeAScout Pin is the application that puts your unit on the map! Prospective Scouts and their families can visit to find a Scouting program in their neighborhood. If your unit’s pin is up to date they’ll find you! Raise your unit’s...

August Sea Scouts of the Month

Our Southern Region quarterdeck has decided to recognize some of the great Sea Scouts around the region by designating a Scout of the Month for each area. These worthy Scouts have been selected to be our very first Scouts of the Month! If you’d like to nominate...

10 Steps for Ship Success

This 15 minute presentation by National Flagship Skipper Todd Skiles is full of great suggestions for both new and established ships. Ship 100 (SSS Dominion) has faced their set of challenges, and has overcome them to become our National Flagship for 2017. Learn what...

NSBC Boating Safety Instructor Course

The NSBC will be hosting its Boating Safety Instructor Course November 7 – 8, 2017 at the Cambria Suites Columbus/Polaris in Columbus, OH. The course will be taught by NSBC Master Instructor Emily King. The NSBC Boating Safety Instructor Course is designed to...
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