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The Sea Scout Times – November
Sea Scout BSA’s Official Newsletter for November of 2023! Take a moment to check out what the National Quarterdeck has put together for this month's newsletter! Please share with your Ships and other Scouting friends!
Sea Scout Recognition Submission
Sea Scouts can utilize the following forms to promote events, recognize Quartermasters, and submit articles based on recent Sea Scout events they have held. Please read through the details of each form. Quartermaster Recognition Any Quartermasters,...
The Sea Scout Times – October 2023
Sea Scout BSA's Official Newsletter Check out what the National Quarterdeck has put together for this month's newsletter! Please share with your Ships and other Scouting friends!
Coast Guard Tech Talk: 10/24 – Technical Leadership
We will be joined by Commodore Sue Davies of the Coast Guard Auxiliary to discuss the following: Leading groups and motivating others to actively participate in team effort; Strategic and tactical planning and problem solving; Effective communication Please join us...
Coast Guard Tech Talk: 9/26 – Trends in Recreational Boating Fatalities
Our speaker is Robin Pope, Ph.D., PA-C, FAWM, currently serves as Deputy Director of the USCG Auxiliary’s Recreational Boating Safety Outreach Directorate. Dr. Pope has more than 3 decades of experience in paddling education. He holds the American Canoe Association’s highest possible instructor ratings in both swift water rescue and whitewater kayaking and was recently named a “Legend of Paddling” by the ACA.
Sea Scout Roundtable September 21st
The next NST Sea Scout Roundtable is scheduled for Thursday, September 21st at 9:00 p.m. ET/8:00 p.m. CT/7:00 p.m. MT/6:00 p.m. PT. Topics for the night include: Presentations Evan Nazareth - NQD Updates Tom Trefny - Recharter and Fees Peter Sargent - Marketing...
Back to School Recruiting Tips
It is that time of year where councils around the nation are preparing for their fall recruitment campaign, often referred to as School Night for Scouting. While we should always be recruiting both youth and adult all year long, we should not overlook our councils marketing efforts and ensure Sea Scouts are included in those efforts.
The July Bowsprit
The first of June 2023 marked the beginning of BSA’s 2023—2024 program year. For all of us in the Sea Scout program, it also marked an ending and a beginning.
National Change of Watch
A recording of the National Change of Watch and Bridge of Honor is now available. During this event we have the swearing in of Evan Nazareth, the National Boatswain and his 2023-2024 National Quarterdeck for their term. Plus, we honor Sal Ciampo and TW Cook for their...
Bravo Zulu to the recipients of the 2023 Territory Level Sea Scout Leadership Award
The Sea Scout Leadership Award (SSLA) recognizes youth and adult members who have made exceptional contributions to the Sea Scouting program at the territory level and who exemplify the Scout Oath, the Scout Law, and the Sea Scout Promise. To be eligible for the SSLA,...