Sea Scouts BSA

Scout Me In Collateral Available

Yesterday Scouting America announced “Scout Me In,” a new campaign to invite young people and families to be a part of the life-changing experience of Scouting. Scouting America has unveiled a Sea Scout version of the logo and has released a Family Scouting Update to...

2018-2019 Boatswain Welcome Message

Please welcome Ryan Trefny, Southern Region Boatswain for the 2018-2019 term. Ryan will take office June 1st. Ryan is an Eagle Scout, a Quartermaster and a SEAL graduate who is presently serving as Southern Region Area 3 Boatswain. He is from Capitol Area Council Ship...

Central Region names a new Regional Boatswain

John Paprocki, Central Region Commodore, has announced that William Campbell, Ship 5111 and Anthony Wayne council of the Ft. Wayne IN area has been named as the Central Region Boatswain for 2018-2019. William is well grounded in scouting holding the rank of Eagle...

Congratulation to SSS Captain Awesome Ship 1015!

Ship 1015 (SSS Captain Awesome) of Prairielands Council (Champaign, IL) was selected to be part of the 2018 National Flagship Fleet! Here is part of the announcement send by National Council: Because of your submission and the great program offered, we would like to...

Area 3 Sea Scout Rendezvous

We are 30 days out before the Area 3 Rendezvous. This is a Scouting event hosted by the Sea Scouts but available to all 14 and older boy or girl. For Venturing youth this is a tier 3 activity. We will have lots of boating, shooting sports and more. Starts Friday night...

Meet the 2018-2019 Western Region Boatswain

The 2018-2019 Western Region Boatswain is Hannah Carter from the Sea Scout Ship Mariners, based in Dana Point, California and the Orange County Council. WR Boatswain Hannah’s term begins over Memorial Day Weekend. Hannah has served as one of the WR...

WR Sea Scout Leadership Award 2018 Honorees

Sea Scouts, BSA has thrived since 1912 because of our dedicated volunteers. The Sea Scout Leadership Award was established to recognize those who have gone beyond and above for service to our program. The following individuals have worked tirelessly to increase Sea...

Keith Christopher to Retire After 44 Years With BSA

After a career spanning nearly five decades, five local councils, and 13 years at the National Service Center, Keith Christopher will retire from Scouting America after 44 years of service effective June 1, 2018. Keith, who currently serves as department manager of...
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