It wasn’t even Sunday and everyone was in a sun daze at sail daze. A few times a year the scouts and officers of the Sam Houston Area Council Fleet come together for a variety of joint Fleet activities and exercises. Every April or May, SHAC Fleet has traditionally...
Sea Scouts Ship SouthWinds 100 of the Atlanta Area Squadron recently completed a sailing adventure in Saint George Sound and the Gulf of Mexico near Carrabelle, Florida. Ship 100 was founded in 2008 and completed our first trip to Florida in 2009. We’ve continued for...
Each year the Marine Technology Society offers significant scholarships to college graduate, college undergraduate and senior high school students accepted into full-time marine-related programs with focus in marine technology, marine engineering and/or marine...
Commodore’s Corner- March/April 2017 With the termination of the BSA policy that required a “Tour and Activity Plan,” should we still make use of a “Float Plan?” Yes! Use of a Float Plan is a best practice for anyone who goes boating. ...
Please welcome Savannah Cushman, our Southern Region Boatswain for 2017-2018. Savannah is from Sam Houston Area Council Ship 208, SSS Red Skies. She lacks only her Bridge of Review to become an Able Sea Scout. She is a SEAL and NYLT graduate, and has served as Ship...
When planning events, most of us have a good idea of which religious holidays are relevant in our own ship, but it’s a lot harder when planning council, area, or regional events where the list of religions to check is potentially much broader. BSA’s...
BSA’s Tour and Activity plans have been eliminated effective April 1, 2017 – see details here. Remember that this doesn’t mean you don’t need a plan, just that you no longer need to file that particular plan with BSA. For Sea Scouts, one of...
The National Sea Scout Support Committee announces the selection of Mercedes Matlock of Frederick, Maryland as the 2017-2018 National Sea Scout Boatswain. Her term of office will be from June 1, 2017 through May 31, 2018 She is a member of Ship 59, SSS Sea Dogs,...
Don’t forget that applications for Area Boatswain are due on March 15th! You can find the application here. Also, applications are being accepted for Regional and Area Yeoman – those applications are due on April 15th and can be found here. The Area...