Sea Scouts BSA

Verification process for on-water boating skills courses

NASBLA is announcing a new course verification opportunity for providers of on-water skills training for recreational power or human-propelled boating courses. Successful completion will include the award of a uniquely numbered verified course mark indicating,...

Revised Safe Boating and Sailing Standards

The National Sea Scout Committee has recently approved an update to the Safe Boating and Sailing Standards for Sea Scout activities.  A copy of the new standards is attached.  These standards are applicable to all Sea Scout activities; particularly activities on...

Makahiki – August 4-6

MAKAHIKI is a weekend full of competition, fun and friendship. Water events include Swimming, Canoe Swap, Row Boating and other fun water related activities.

Get Your Pirate’s License!

Some great new programs for Central Region Sea Scouts! See if you can’t spend an entire Rendezvous talking like a pirate, arrrrrrgh!

From the Central Region Commodore – May, 2017

Happy boating season. We all survived the winter and are preparing for anther summer filled with boating activities. Several thoughts crossed my mind that I thought I should share with you.

The Central Region Sea Scout Rendezvous

Do you love the water, but wish you knew more about sailing? Then come check out the Sea Scout Rendezvous on May 20 from 7 am to 7 pm! It will be at Camp Illinek in Springfield, IL and is open to Venturers, Sea Scouts and older scouts!

New Start for Louisiana Ship

Ship 312 from Istrouma Area Council in Louisiana is back on the water after being inactive for a few years. They are featured in this great article in the New Orleans Advocate.  All our ships should be seeking out this kind of publicity from local media! Meanwhile,...

2017 National Flagship Named

Sea Scout Ship 100, “SSS DOMINION” Honored with BoatU.S. and the Sea Scouts, BSA 2017 National Flagship Award The Boat Owners Association of the United States (BoatU.S.) and Sea Scouts, BSA recognize Sea Scout Ship 100 “SSS DOMINION” of the National Capital Area...

Getting the Fleet Together at Sail Daze

It wasn’t even Sunday and everyone was in a sun daze at sail daze. A few times a year the scouts and officers of the Sam Houston Area Council Fleet come together for a variety of joint Fleet activities and exercises. Every April or May, SHAC Fleet has traditionally...
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