United States Coast Guard Academy Introduction Mission is now accepting 2024 applications!
Interested Sea Scouts can apply for AIM!
Apply to Sail Aboard the USCG Eagle in 2024
Every summer for over a decade, the Coast Guard has partnered with Sea Scouting to offer a weeklong sailing adventure aboard USCGC EAGLE to a select group of Sea Scouts from around the nation.
2024 National Flagship Application Process Now Open
Now is the time for all ships to take stock of their past year’s program and document their accomplishments to apply for the annual National Flagship Competition. You will find the National Flagship Council Approval Form, the Sea Scout Ship Performance Criteria, and...Apply to be a National Quarterdeck Officer!
It’s time to apply for National Boatswain for the 2020-2021 term – taking office at BSA’s National Annual Meeting for a one year term starting June 1st, 2020