Sea Scouts BSA

Apply to Sail Aboard the USCG Eagle in 2024

Every summer for over a decade, the Coast Guard has partnered with Sea Scouting to offer a weeklong sailing adventure aboard USCGC EAGLE to a select group of Sea Scouts from around the nation.

2024 National Flagship Application Process Now Open

Now is the time for all ships to take stock of their past year’s program and document their accomplishments to apply for the annual National Flagship Competition. You will find the National Flagship Council Approval Form, the Sea Scout Ship Performance Criteria, and...

Coast Guard Tech Talk – 1/23: The Science and Safety of the Galley

Please join us for our January 2024 Coast Guard Tech Talk on 23 Jan 2024 at 9:00 p.m. ET / 8:00 p.m. CT / 7:00 p.m. MT / 6:00 p.m. PT Confidently prepare your next meal afloat, keeping the crew happy and healthy. Learn about the safe storage, handling, and preparation...

Quartermaster Ceremony Script Template

The following script is a template for a Quartermaster Ceremony open for any Sea Scouts to use and adapt, a downloadable pdf file can be found here. Quartermaster Bridge of Honor Ceremony Script  Quartermaster Bridge of Honor Information about the ceremony: This...

Trimester Report

Here is the first-trimester report from your 2023-2024 national quarterdeck! It can be viewed or downloaded here! Some highlights include NQD vision statement, NQD introduction, NQD Goals, NQD at the national jamboree, USCG Barque Eagle, VESSI, New ships, and Sea...

Tales of the Sea Recap

Tales of the Sea is a way for Sea Scouts to share traditions, what they do at meetings, and what they enjoy most about the program. Questions were asked on Instagram Stories, once a week, for followers to answer and be put into the recap post for everyone to see, and...
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