At one time or another you have probably heard the age old adage, It is easier to turn a scouter into a sailor than turn a sailor into a scouter. Commodore TW Cook has written the Sea Scouts for Scoutmasters guide make that transition even easier. If you are an...
This past week, I attended a Regional Meeting for the first time. It was as incredible opportunity to be introduced to the Southern Region Board and connect faces to names. Not only did I feel welcomed the moment I registered, but I was asked to start and end the...
This year our Sea Scout Academy went swimmingly, with record attendance from all over the region! All our tracks ran well and on target, we conducted nightly boatswains’ meetings where we advised and addressed the concerns of all of our ships boatswains. The Sea...
Sea Scout Ships can customize these downloadable Sea Scout flyers with local information for an open house. These flyers were designed to be submitted to school districts for approval in high school online newsletters. These flyers can also be printed for posting on...
Remember, Sea Scouts can attend the upcoming World Jamboree! The LAST day to register for the US World Scout Jamboree Contingent at the early bird rate is 1/31/18! Apply at – it’s a chance to meet Scouts from all around the world. There are also...
The National Sea Scout Committee is looking for talented Sea Scouts to represent the program at the Area, Regional, and National level. Each Area, Regional or National Boatswain will represent Sea Scouts, BSA at Scouting America Meetings, other meetings, Sea Scout...
I have a couple of exciting updates for members of Southern Region Sea Scouting. The first is a call for photos from your ship, council, and area activities, please send photos to...
SNOWSTORM is a competition for Senior Girl Scouts, Mariners, Explorers, Ventures, Sea Scouts, and Boy Scouts ages 13-20. All participants must be registered members of BSA or GSUSA. This is a one-day indoor and outdoor event with a chance to have fun and fellowship...
Bay-Lakes Council, Scouting America and the alumni of the Fond du Lac Scouts are proud to invite you to the 44th Winter Amidships (WAM)! This co-ed Scouting event will be held on February 24th, 2018, at the National Guard Armory, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. WAM is a 1-day...